Churches in Bonners Ferry, Idaho
Whether a Saturday evening or Sunday morning worship, find the Church and service that works for you and your family. Visit our guide to determine the denomination, service, times and locations of the Church's where you can worship God in the Bonners Ferry area.

Bonners Ferry United Methodist Church
6568 Lincoln Street Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-2343
Web Site>>
Share the Joy as we support and encourage each other in our Walk with Jesus.
BridgeWay Assembly of God
66027 US-2, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-3558
Web Site>>
Bringing people together through friendly acceptance, compassionate understanding, supportive recognition, with the help of God’s love.
Boundary County Church of Christ
6957 Evergreen St, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-2731
Web Site>>
The church of Christ in Boundary County is a non-denominational group of community members who gather to sing, share, uplift, and worship our Lord and God. We are New Testament Christians who are biblical in doctrine and strive to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. We teach God's Word. No names, creeds, or traditions of man are endorsed. The church spoken of is not "my church" or "your church", but the Lord's church. We don't worship as we desire, but as God directs. We go back to the Bible for the authority in what we believe and do.

Church of Christ Woodland Mennonite Church
7336 Olympic Way, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-4433
Web Site>>
Church of the Nazarene
158 Meadow Creek Rd, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-4061
Web Site>>
Morning Worship Service - 10:00 a.m.
Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples

Covenant Bible Church
56 Plato Dr, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 603-8826
Web Site>>
We believe in systematically teaching the Word of God. While there is a place for topical sermons, especially in the age we are living through, we emphasize verse-by-verse exegesis of the Scriptures. This allows for a proper understanding of the context and flow of each book of the Bible as well as broad and thorough understanding of the Christian worldview.
Crossroads Community Chapel
6525 Jackson St, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-2702
Web Site>>
Crossroads Chapel is a non-denominational, solid, positive group of Bible-believing and Christ-centered Christians. We meet together to worship the Lord, encourage each other in our faith, and to offer the Good News of Christ to Boundary County.
The Crossroads schedule for Sundays include: Sunday Bible Classes for all ages - 9:15 a.m. Brunch Break - 9:50 a.m. Musical Prelude to Worship - 10:00 a.m. Worship Service - 10:06 a.m.
First Baptist Church
6711 El Paso Street Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-3215
Web Site>>
Services are held Wednesday at 7:00 pm with Mission Friends for toddlers;
TeamKid for grades 1-6,Youth Groups for Jr. & Sr. High and adult Bible study and prayer meeting.
Sundays at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 pm and small bible study groups at 9:45 a.m.

Jehovah's Witnesses-Bonners Ferry Kingdom Hall
6829 Kaniksu St, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-5746
Web Site>>
Services are held Wednesday at 7:00 pm with Mission Friends for toddlers;
Kootenai Valley Mennonite Church
782 Moon Shadow Rd, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-0620
Web Site>>
KVMC Sunday Morning Service Sunday School 10:00am Worship Service 10:50am
Address: 782 Moon Shadow Road, Bonners Ferry, Idaho
All are welcome!

Mountain View Mennonite Church
510752 US-95, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-3690
Web Site>>
Mt Hall Community Church (Calvary Chapel Association)
1554 ID-1, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-8623
Web Site>>
Mt. Hall Community Church is a part of the Calvary Chapel Association of churches. We believe in simply teaching the Bible simply! You can access our livestream, watch past sermons, and check out and register for upcoming events. We hope you feel welcome here and choose to call Mt. Hall CC your church family!
Springs Of Living Water FMC
6957 Labrosse Hill Street, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-2513
Web Site>>
Growing together, we worship, we serve, we laugh, we cry, we learn and we reach out to our community with life transforming truth. We reach out to you as well. Our doors and hearts are open to you. If you've been thinking, praying, and searching for a place to belong, Welcome.
St. Ann Catholic Church
6712 El Paso St, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-2852
Web Site>>

St. Mary's Episcopal Church
6850 Denver St, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-3202
Web Site>>
At St. Mary's we are a church family which follows Christ and his teaching. We worship according to the Episcopal tradition; the heart of our liturgy and lives is Scripture. Through scripture reading and prayer, we become closer to God so we can more fully live as Christians. In our desire to put faith into action, we contribute to several international missions and local organizations, who provide services to those in need. We welcome everyone, for as Jesus taught, we are called to love God and our neighbors as ourselves.

Trinity Lutheran Church
6784 Cody St, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-2894
Web Site>>
PROCLAIM the Gospel, with words if necessary (St. Francis) REACH out, especially to the hurting and alienated ACT, through worship study and fellowship INVITE and include all SERVE our neighbor EXPLORE different ways of thinking; celebrate diversity GRACE ALONE! FAITH ALONE! SCRIPTURE ALONE!
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