Ambulance Service Bonners Ferry, Idaho
If you have a serious emergency, first call 911 - then use the contact information located here to find all the departments of emergency services in Bonners Ferry and Boundary County.

Boundary Community Hospital
6640 Kaniksu Street Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-3141
Web Site>>
Boundary Community Hospital is essential to improving the health of our community through investment in people, technology, and facilities.
Boundary Volunteer Ambulance
6447 Railroad Street PO Box 441 Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
Phone (208) 267-2604
Web Site>>
Boundary Ambulance Service is the longest running, active ambulance service in Idaho. Since our inception, our 501(c)(3) non-profit organization has been one defined by the dedication of our responders to providing an excellent public service, and our ability to readily adapt to our community’s ever evolving needs. Our history began in 1965 when members of American Legion Post 55 recognized the unmet need in their community for patient transport services, and raised $4,322 to form Boundary Volunteer Ambulance, purchasing a reconditioned 1959 blue Cadillac ambulance with 63,000 miles.
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